Skopje Beer Fest

Period: 2008 - 2019
Pivolend is “gourmet weekend” with beer in Skopje, R. Macedonia. It is an open-air festival with a daily capacity of more than 25.000 people. It includes 3 stages with music program from all music genres. Besides music, the festival supports art innovations, beer-drinking challenges and games, variety kinds of food, etc. Pivolend is established in 2008 and Skopje Beer Fest edition in 2019.
It’s for sure one of the biggest festivals in Macedonia, welcoming more than 150.000 visitors each year. The rich festival line-up always presents a variety of popular music artists from the region, as well as stars from the world’s music scene.
Top artist that visited this festival:
Dubioza Kolektiv, Djaikovski, Van Gogh, Stereo MC, LET3, Laka, Vlada Divljan, Wickeda, Lot Lorien, Kosheen DJ's, Orthodox Cellts, BllaBllaBlla, Superhiks, Sethstat, Baklava, Parketi, K.U.R., Toni Kitanovski & Cherkezi Orchestra, Psihomodo Pop, Dubioza Kolektiv, Atheist Rap, Popa Shapka, Esma Redzepova, PMG collective, Agushevi Orchestra, Zabranjeno Pushenje, Rambo Amadeus, Dr. Nele Karaljic, TB Tracheri, Kud Idijoti, Motherfunky, BeetanTone, Lollobrigida, Darkwood Dub, Hladno Pivo, Jura Stublic & Film, Ritam Nereda, Synthesis, Foltin, Area, Ljubojna, Letechki Pekinezeri, High Control, DJ Slave, Belfast Food, Gillespie, Last Expedition, Bajaga i Instruktori, The John, Eye Cue, SevdahBABY, Drum'N'Zez, Garavi Sokak, Negative, Elemental, Triad, Baildsa, S.A.R.S., Riblja Chorba